We are please to announce that we have resumed our services.
Jummah Khutabah will be conducted by the Professor Alim From States.
We request you all to join hands to fight the pandemic and support the needy.


The interpretation of prophets is similar to that of angels except when it comes to martyrdom, that interpretation only applies when you see angels.


Those who see prophets and messengers in dreams have seen them in real life.

To see them is to be honored. If they speak to you with words of goodness or piety, what they say is literally true.


Repeating a dream in which you see a prophet, while not containing negative elements, indicates that your standard of living will be moderate in the future.


If you see a prophet in a drought-stricken area, it is interpreted that the people there will have plenty of greenery.

If the prophet is seen among an oppressed people, they will be given victory and justice.

If you see him with a people who are struggling, things will be easier for them.


Anyone who sees himself as a prophet will suffer severe trials and tribulations in this life, just as the prophets did.

But in the end he will thank Allah as they did.

The same applies if you see yourself becoming a known righteous person, then you are tested with adversity as they were tested.

If you see yourself becoming a famous powerful king, it suggests that you will have a similar share of the riches of this life as he did, but that you will be corrupted in your faith.

[ibn Qutaybah]


Ibn Sirin said “Seeing ulul ‘Azm in the dream indicates honor and reputation, and seeing prophets in general indicates victory and triumph. [1]



Kirmani said:” Seeing a prophet in a good mood, happy and smiling indicates honor, status and success.

If, on the other hand, you see him angry with a grim face, it indicates problems and setbacks, which may later subside.


If you see that you hear or take something from a prophet, you will receive from that prophet knowledge and joy.

Seeing yourself visiting a prophet, whether alive or dead, can mean one of three things.

  • If the person is pious, his piety will increase, if he is a sinner, he will make tawbah.
  • He will visit the prophet he saw in the dream or he will be granted good and blessings.
  • It is an indication that you are from the people of paradise and from the successful.

Anyone who sees someone cursing a prophet is criticizing his message.

Seeing a prophet grow taller or wider symbolizes a fitnah that will befall the people.

If you see one of the prophets in his old age, it symbolizes peace for the people in the place you saw him.

If you see one of the prophets in a beautiful form/appearance, it symbolizes a good state in your religion and worldly affairs.

Seeing one of them dress you or give you something symbolizes blessing and being included in their mediation on Judgment Day.

To see oneself giving one of the prophets something materialistic indicates that one has neglected aspects of his sunnah.

On the other hand, giving them something recommended symbolizes that you will do good.

Seeing oneself digging up a prophet’s grave symbolizes following his sunnah.

If you see a prophet telling you to do a sin, it is an indirect warning against doing it, because the prophet said “If you are not ashamed, do what you want!”

If you see a flaw/defect in a prophet, it symbolizes a lack of faith in the person who saw the dream. Which means that the person should fear Allah.

[al-Karmani, Khalil Shahin]


Each prophet is interpreted in such a way that the dreamer will undergo what characterizes the biography of each prophet.


[Shihab al-A’bir]


[1] [Ulul ‘Azm are the five best prophets, Mohammed, Ibrahim, Mosa, Noh and Isa]].