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Jummah Khutabah will be conducted by the Professor Alim From States.
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Seeing angels descend on a site symbolizes victory for its inhabitants and a release from worries.

If the angels speak to one with words of piety or admonish one or give one glad tidings or bond with one or fly with one or disappear with one, it symbolizes that the person will receive shahadah/martyrdom and honor and a good reputation in this life.

[ibn Qutaybah]

Seeing angels generally symbolizes victory for its inhabitants.

Seeing angels and being afraid of them suggests that fate, war and strife will befall the place where you have seen them.

Whoever sees angels in a female form will bear false witness.

If you see a small group of angels descending on a place, it indicates that the tyrant in that place will perish or fail.

If you see angels giving you the good news of a son, you will have a son who will be learned.

Seeing angels cursing a person suggests that he is falling short in his faith.

To think of oneself as being in the company of angels suggests that one will die, as their company suggests that one has left this life.

Seeing a crowd of angels descending on a burial plot indicates that righteous people are buried there.

If you see them in the market/shop, it indicates better prices.

[abu Taher]

To see in a dream the angel Jibril or any other noble and renowned angel mentioned by Allah coming to you with a glad tiding or speaking words of piety, advice or admonition or a glad tiding indicates that you will attain status, honor, power, success and glad tidings.

If the person who sees them in the dream is oppressed, he will be given victory.

If he is sick, he will get well.

If he is afraid, he will be given security.

If he is sad and worried, he will be given relief.

If he is a person who tries to go on Hajj but cannot, it will be easier for him and he will go.

It may also indicate that the person will achieve martyrdom.

If you get something edible/food from the angel, you are from the people of paradise.

Anyone who sees the angel Jibril depressed and troubled will suffer adversity, fear and punishment. The same if the person sees himself as an enemy of him.

Seeing the angel Michael in a dream symbolizes for the pious to achieve their goals in both this and future lives.

If the person is not pious, it is a warning.

Seeing him in a town or village suggests that they will get plenty of rain and lower prices.

If you see him give you something or speak to you in a dream, it symbolizes that you will receive happiness, blessings and enter paradise.

Seeing the angel Israfil depressed and blowing his horn suggests that you will die if you think you are the only one who heard him.

However, if everyone in a specific place heard him, it suggests that many people in that place will die.

Or it suggests that the people there are oppressors whom Allah wants to punish.

And the oppressed people Allah will give victory.

Seeing the angel A’zrail [dödsängeln] give you a joyful message suggests that you will die a martyr.

If someone sees him angry with a grim face, it indicates that the person will die without having done tawba.

Seeing yourself wrestled down by him symbolizes your death.

If you wrestle him down, it symbolizes that you will be close to death and survive.

To see the angels writing one’s deeds is a joyful message of happiness in both this life and the life to come, and that if the person is pious he will go to paradise.

If the person who sees them is a sinner, it is a warning.

Seeing the angels carrying the throne of Allah or other noble angels symbolizes a victory over one’s enemy and wealth after poverty.

To be afraid in a dream and see Allah and angels at a specific place symbolizes that there will be war, evil and enmity at that place.

To see a host of angels descend from heaven to a place indicates that the people of truth there will be given victory.

For those who have seen the dream, seeing them descend to a place with a joyful message and beautiful speech is a symbol of martyrdom and joy in this life.

If you see them fall down in a daze before you or bow to you, it suggests that you will have your goals fulfilled and achieve piety and a good reputation in this life.

[al Qaderi]

Whoever sees Jibril in the dream will travel to seek knowledge and achieve his goal.

Seeing him often indicates victory over one’s enemies or that one will enjoin good and forbid evil.

Anyone who sees the angel Michael will be awarded money honor and status while being generous.

Seeing Israfil suggests good news and a journey that will generate financial gain and other benefits.

Anyone who sees the Angel of Death A’zrail should prepare for death, especially if there are indications that the person may die. It can also indicate an enemy who wishes you harm, but you have to look at all the other circumstances of the dream to see if it has a positive or negative message.

If you see him kiss you, it means you’re going to get an inheritance.

It is said that seeing him can also symbolize a negative event or that a group will split.

If you see the angels who look after the soul or those who write, it suggests that you will be given martyrdom or some other benefit.

Seeing an angel in a specific place indicates that someone from the people will receive something good or be freed from worries and troubles.

A group of angels can also symbolize an army, an epidemic or a war.

To see oneself flying with the angels indicates that one will have good fortune in the life to come and be honored with Allah’s pleasure and generosity.

Seeing an angel in a beautiful human form symbolizes happiness and good.

However, if you see him in an ugly or flawed form, it has the opposite meaning.

If an angel tells you something in a dream, it will happen.

Abu S’aid al-Wa’idh said: “Seeing well-known angels in a dream symbolizes that the person who saw the dream will receive something as well as glory, strength, glad tidings, victory, security, relief, and Hajj.

Whoever sees angels in a female form is a person who lies about Allah.

Whoever sees the angels cursing him is a person who is corrupt in his Islam and faith.

Seeing an angel do something good to you indicates that you are good in your Islam and in doing the good deed the angel did.

Seeing yourself become an angel suggests honor, status, power and success.

[Khalil Shahin]