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Stories about dreams

Imam al Bukhari

All these stories are found in the book Hidayatul Sariby al Hafidh ibn Hadjar al Asqalani.

  1. As a child, al-Bukhari lost his sight and one night his mother saw the prophet Ibrahim ﷺ in the dream who said to her “You there! Allah gave your son back his sight because of all your dua and all your tears. ”

The next morning she found that her son had regained his sight.

  • It is recounted with a strong chain of narrators that Imam Bukhari said “I saw the Prophet ﷺ in a dream and I saw myself as standing in front of him with a hand fan and blowing away (flies) from him.

When I asked some scholars in dream interpretation, they said that you will remove lies attributed to the Prophet ﷺ this was what made me write al jame ’as sahee [ie. Saheh al Bukhari]. ”

  • Al-Firabirisaid, “I saw the Prophet ﷺ in a dream and he asked me where I was going? I replied that I was on my way to Mohammed ibn Ismail al Bukhari. Then the Prophet said, “Bring him my salam.”
  • Abu Zeid al Maruzi said: While sleeping at K’aba, I saw the Prophet ﷺ in a dream asking me, “Abu Zeid, how long are you going to study Shafi’s books instead of studying my book?”
    So I asked him, “The Messenger of Allah! ﷺ Which book is your book? ”
    Han ﷺ svarade: “Jame ‘Mohammed ibn Ismail (dvs. Saheh al Bukhari)”.
  • Najm bin Fadlsaw the Prophet ﷺ in a dream walk out of one of the cities of Bukhara with Imam al Bukhari behind him who followed exactly in the footsteps of the Prophet.

This dream suggests that Imam Bukhari was a person who cared to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet and to encourage others to do so.

[Källa: ibn Hadjar Hidayatul Sari]