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The knowledge of dreams

The knowledge of dreams is a powerful knowledge that has its foundations and principles. And as we mentioned before, it is a good news from Allah and part of the prophecy. Finally, it is the only form of divine inspiration / revelation that remains.

Therefore, a Muslim should not try to interpret dreams until he knows these basics and principles that the scholars have mentioned in this knowledge.

Abu Abbas Al-Qurafi said: “Only he who can and masters dreams can interpret them, he can not let him go.

Imam Malik was asked if anyone can interpret dreams? He replied: “What are they to play with the prophecy!? … Dreams are part of the prophecy, should they be allowed to play around with the prophecy?”

[al-Furuq 3/411]

Ibn Mufleh said: “He who has no knowledge of dreams must not interpret them.”

[Adab as-sharia’h 3/427]

Khalil Shahin said: “Anyone who does not have knowledge of dream interpretation must not go into interpreting someone’s dream. If he does, he sins; then it has the same provision as giving a fatwa. ”

[al-isharat 645]

One and the same thing in a dream can be interpreted differently depending on who sees it.

“All dream interpreters agree that the interpretation of a dream can vary depending on the person’s condition, situation, abilities and religion, the dream can be a grace for one and a punishment for the other. ”

[Al-Iqtibas av At-Tha’labi 2/61]

Based on this, every person who wants to interpret a dream must know the condition of the person who had the dream. Examples of this are: how religious the person is, how knowledgeable they are, where the person lives and what he works with, etc. The dream interpreter must be careful and keep all this in mind.

It is not allowed to interpret dreams from dream lexicons without knowing the basics and principles of this knowledge.

Some dreams fall in exactly as seen and do not require interpretation as when the Prophet ﷺ saw the conquest of Mecca and this happened later.

Other dreams are symbols that must be interpreted.

One and the same thing in dreams can mean completely different things depending on who sees them and in what context.

Two men saw in their dreams that they were doing adhan and came to ibn Sirin to ask him about its significance, to one he said that you will do hadj and to the other he said that you will lose your hand.

So people sitting with him asked in amazement how he interpreted the dream so differently even though they had both dreamed of exactly the same thing?

He said on the first I saw good signs (of religiosity) so I linked his dream with Allah’s statement: “Call the people to [plikten att fullgöra]the pilgrimage.” [22:27]

And regarding the other person, I felt uncomfortable with his (non-religious) appearance so I linked his dream to Allah’s statement:

“When a proclamation cried out to them, ‘You in the caravan! You have committed a crime!’ [12:70]

[ibn Qutaybah 133]

This proves that one and the same thing can be interpreted differently depending on who had the dream.

Another principle the scholars mention is that if a dream cannot be implemented on the person who saw it, it may be about a close relative.

Seeing someone hurt you in the dream and then feeling pain in each place when you wake up is a sign that the person in the dream has your eye.

Seeing large extensive signs in nature such as earthquake, solar eclipse, storm or rain usually indicates that what you see affects people in a city or country as a whole, the same applies even if you see clear landmarks such as a minaret or one of the saints mosques.

How to interpret a dream

  • Ask Allah for help and that He will make it easier for you.
  • Focus on the most important events in the dream that can be linked to the person’s condition.
  • Then try to link the smaller details in the dream with the larger ones.
  • You have to see the whole in the dream, you can not interpret certain parts and omit others. Details can be crucial.
  • Be optimistic.
  • Implement the principles and guidelines that exist within this knowledge.
  • If you do not know, do not be afraid to say “Allahu alem” (Allah knows best); you have no obligation to interpret people’s dreams.
  • Know that a dream interpretation is not certain or definitive but only an indication, interpretation and assumption.
  • Know that the more honest and sincere a person is, the clearer his dream is and vice versa.

What sources is dream interpretation based on?

Al-Baghawi said: “You should know that dream interpretation is of different categories, sometimes they are interpreted based on the Qur’an, Sunnahn, parables that people use or from the name and meaning of something or its opposite.”

[Sharhu Sunnah 12/220]

Example of dream interpretation through the Qur’an.

All the parables of the Qur’an are foundations and principles in the interpretation of dreams for the one who understands them correctly.

[ibn Qayum]

Illness in the dream symbolizes Hypocrisy, based on Allah’s description of the hypocrites

“In their hearts there is a disease …” [2:10]

Eating raw meat symbolizes slander based on Allah’s statement

“Would any of you like to eat your dead brother’s meat?” [49:12]

Ibn Al Qayum said: “In summary, all the parables we mentioned from the Qur’an are the principles and principles of dream interpretation for the skilled in interpreting these parables. And that the one who understands the Qur’an is the one who can best interpret dreams.

[i’lam al mowaqen]

Example of dream interpretation through sunnah.

A crow symbolizes a sinner for the Prophet de called the crow “Fasiq” ie sinner.

A rib symbolizes the woman, when she was created from the bent rib.

Examples of dream interpretation through names and words.

Seeing a man named Rashid / Raashid symbolizes understanding and guidance. Then it’s the meaning of the name.

The name Salim may symbolize being spared.

Examples of dream interpretation through parables

Seeing someone with a longer right hand symbolizes generosity, as in Arabic it is used as an expression of generosity.

Seeing yourself washing your hands with soap symbolizes that a certain thing is hopeless, as you use it as a parable in language.

Interpreting a dream based on a parable is not limited to Arabic parables, it can also be common parables in other languages.

Examples of dream interpretation through opposites.

Dreams whose interpretation is not based on the Qur’an and Sunnahn are often interpreted as symbolizing the opposite of what has been seen.

Ibn Hadjar säger: ” De lärda inom drömtydning har sagt att den som ser sig rädd i drömmen kommer vara trygg från det och den som ser sig trygg med något kommer att vara rädd för det.”

[Fathul-Bari 14/454]

To understand a symbol / parable.

Consider three things:

1 – What you’ve seen.

2 – What variety.

3 – Its nature and character.

A tree in the dream can, for example, symbolize a person, regarding the variety, so think about which tree you have seen and then the characteristics of each tree, then implement this on the person it symbolizes.

Also add here what happens to the symbol. For example, seeing the tree bear plenty of fruit has a positive meaning, seeing the tree rot or cut down has another negative meaning, and so on.

A symbol can also mean different things depending on time and place.