We are please to announce that we have resumed our services.
Jummah Khutabah will be conducted by the Professor Alim From States.
We request you all to join hands to fight the pandemic and support the needy.


Seeing someone die can symbolize his tawba and turning back to Allah. [ibn Qayum].

Ibn Sirin considered it a good thing if you take something from a deceased person in a dream but not to give him something, and he said “If a dead person takes something from you, it is something/someone who will die.”

Anyone who sees himself dying and being treated like a deceased person, with being washed and people crying and mourning his death and janazah being performed, it means that the person’s practice of the religion is bad/corrupt/fasiid. Allah says:
” Can he who was dead and whom We then raised to life and gave a light, with which he walks [rätt] among men, be equated with him who is in deep darkness from which he cannot escape? [6:122]

If he sees himself buried, it symbolizes that he meets Allah without having made tawba, except if he sees himself coming out of the grave after being buried.

If he sees his body lying on something like a bed and men carrying him on their shoulders, it symbolizes that he will gain power at the expense of destroying his religion and harming/oppressing others. The number of people who attend his funeral is the number who are with him in taking power.

Seeing yourself die but not being treated as a deceased person symbolizes that your home will be destroyed or parts of it.
Seeing a dead person telling you that he is alive indicates his good condition as Allah says:
“And do not regard those who have fallen in the cause of Allah as dead. Nay, they are alive with their Lord where they are provided for.” [3:169]

Seeing yourself alive and digging your own grave means that you will build a house in the respective place and settle there.

Being buried alive means being imprisoned and having a hard time.

Seeing a deceased person hugging you and commiserating with you means you will live a long time.

Seeing a deceased person approaching you with joy and pleasure is for something good the person did for the deceased like giving sadaqa or making dua for him, or taking care of his offspring. But if you see the person in an angry/disappointed state, turned away from you, it is because you have fallen short in fulfilling his will/advice regarding what he left behind.

Seeing yourself alive and socializing with the dead means you will be socializing with people who have a bad religion.

Seeing yourself as dead and associating with the dead means you will travel far or destroy your religion.

Seeing a deceased person busy, tired, sick or in a bad state means that the deceased is taking the consequences of their sins.

Seeing the person sleeping means that he is fine.

Hearing a dead person calling you without knowing where from means that you will be united with the dead person.

Seeing yourself following a dead person into an unfamiliar house and then turning around means you’re going to be close to death and survive.

Seeing yourself following a dead person without seeing him enter a home means that you will imitate what the person did when he was alive. Seeing yourself digging up someone’s grave has the same meaning.
If you see a deceased person who had power in a place as if he were alive in this place, it symbolizes that his good reputation will live on after him. Or it means that someone from his offspring, family will take over his position or someone similar to him.
[ibn Qutaybah]

Death can be interpreted in many different ways.
It can symbolize a lack in the person’s faith, as Allah says:
“You cannot make the dead hear, nor the [andligen] deaf who turn their backs on you, to listen to your call;” [27:80]
Allah called them dead because of their delusion.

The more you see people mourning and crying over a person, it indicates his high position in the worldly life.
It is also said that death can be interpreted as a journey or migration, as each deceased person is moved.
Death can also be interpreted as poverty if the deceased is naked.
If you see someone die and be buried, it symbolizes that he dies without having done tawbah. But if you see the person coming out of the grave, it is a person who has made tawbah.
If one sees himself dying and being carried on people’s shoulders without being buried, he will overcome his enemies, and if he is fit for leadership, he will become a leader, and the size of his power will be measured by how many people attend his funeral.

If one sees himself living after death, he will make tawba after a period of neglect, if the person who sees this is not a Muslim, he will become a Muslim.

Another interpretation of living after being dead is that one will become independent and self-sufficient after being poor.

If you see an absent person living after death, it can symbolize that he will come home in a good state.

If you see a deceased person in a dream telling you that he is not dead, he is among the martyrs and enjoying the life to come.

Anyone seen carrying a dead person will be held financially responsible.

If you wear a deceased person incorrectly, it symbolizes that you will receive haram/forbidden money, if you wear the person correctly, it symbolizes that you will serve a leader.

If you see yourself as dead in the company of the dead, it symbolizes that you will mix with sinners.
Everything that the departed inform us of is true, as everything in the next life is true.

Watching oneself die can symbolize being separated from a partner or wife or brother because of a trip or a dispute.
Seeing yourself resurrecting the dead can mean helping the poor and needy.
Finding a dead person can mean that you will receive money.

If you see a deceased person come to you and take an oath that he will not leave without you coming with him and then he takes you into an unknown and distant house, it means that you will die.
If, on the other hand, he runs away from a place with you, you will become so ill that you almost die, but will eventually recover.

If a dead person tells you that you will be reunited with him within a certain period of time [day, month or year], a day can symbolize a month, a month a year and a year ten years.
Anyone who sees themselves walking in the footsteps of a deceased person will take after how the person lived. Or live with similar standards as the person.
Anyone who sees themselves marrying a deceased person will have a need or desire met that they could never have imagined. Or favor someone from the deceased’s family.

If you see a deceased person lying asleep on a bed, it means that the person is enjoying the next life.

Digging up the grave of a deceased person symbolizes that one will take after the way the person lived, in his knowledge or economic condition. If he digs deep enough to reach the body and finds him alive, it symbolizes the search for good and wisdom. If you find the person dead, you have no good intentions. Not knowing whether he is alive or dead means you are not sure what you want.
If the person digging someone’s grave smells a foul odor, it means that the person is seeking something haram and reprehensible without benefit.

If you see yourself at the moment of death, it symbolizes that you are doing wrong to yourself or someone else.

If a traveler sees himself or herself die, it means that the person is coming home from his or her trip.

Whatever you take or receive from a deceased person is better than what you give. Except if the deceased takes something negative that indicates trouble, e.g. a worn garment, something bitter or yellow; then it symbolizes the living getting rid of an illness or grief, as well as if the deceased would take an enemy that the living fears.

Seeing a deceased person perform the prayer is a good sign for him and his descendants.

Seeing the dead rising from their graves in one place can symbolize greenery and the earth coming to life, or the coming of good and generous people.

If a deceased person borrows your thawb, you will get sick and if he takes it by force, you will die.

[Abu Taher]

Seeing the prophet Adam die can symbolize the death of one’s father, as Adam is the father of all.
Losing your sight can mean the death of your children, who are the apple of your eye.

[Shihab al a’bir]