We are please to announce that we have resumed our services.
Jummah Khutabah will be conducted by the Professor Alim From States.
We request you all to join hands to fight the pandemic and support the needy.


Whoever sees Prophet Adam beautiful as he is will gain honor and status, power or become a judge for Allah says:" When your Lord said to the angels: "I will certainly appoint a deputy on earth." [Baqarah:30] The co...

Whoever sees Prophet Ayub will be tested with an adversity in which he may lose money or children but Allah will compensate him many times over for what he has lost and he will have peace of mind after troubles.   Allah says: "And We gave him ...

Seeing our Mother Eve in the dream symbolizes achieving worldly gains, additions in assets, money, blessings and children as well as achieving what one aspires to. [Khalil Shahin]...

Seeing Prophet Ibrahim can indicate several things; defying one's father, fear, going on Hajj, victory over one's enemy, adversity from a king/powerful one will later be given victory over, receiving great gifts and blessings, and...

Whoever sees the Prophet Idris will be honored with abstinence from the forbidden and honored with a good end. Seeing him also symbolizes abundant rain after drought and security after fear. [abu Taher]  ...

Att se Jesus i en dröm tyder på välsignelse, kunskap och insikt inom medicin. Ser man honom i drömmen kommer man att resa mycket och vara en välsignad person vart man en befinner sig. En gravid kvinna som såg profeten Jesus i drömmen födde en s...

Whoever sees the Prophet Ishaq will suffer a hardship from which he will ultimately be spared. He will also be a person who spreads joyful messages. If you see him shivering, it means you're going blind. [abu Taher]  ...

Seeing the Prophet Ismail symbolizes gaining a position of power, eloquence, and the building of a mosque. [abu Taher]...

Att se Maryam i en dröm symboliserar att man kommer att uppnå ära och status bland människor. Att se henne tyder också på att få sina behov tillgodosedda. En kvinna som ser henne i drömmen kommer att få ett fördragsamt barn. En gravid kvinna...

The interpretation of prophets is similar to that of angels except when it comes to martyrdom, that interpretation only applies when you see angels.   Those who see prophets and messengers in dreams have seen them in real life. To see them is...