We are please to announce that we have resumed our services.
Jummah Khutabah will be conducted by the Professor Alim From States.
We request you all to join hands to fight the pandemic and support the needy.


To see oneself in the Levant in a dream suggests that one will enjoin good/obedience. It can also mean to be cleansed of sins, to perform worship or to receive blessings. Seeing oneself in the holy Aqsa Mosque symbolizes that one will be pious and ...

En grotta symboliserar trygghet för den otrygge.    Den som ser sig fly från en ...

To see oneself performing Hajj or visiting holy places in a dream indicates the same thing that prayer indicates. It also suggests that one will be elevated in levels, security from what one fears, marriage, getting rid of debts, serving great person...

Ibn Sirin said: "Seeing oneself in Mecca indicates that one will visit the Ka'ba." Whoever sees Mecca with the intention of trade and not for visiting [av den heliga moskén] is a person who will be ardent in his love for Dunya, or it may symbolize i...

To see oneself in Medina in a dream suggests that one will be in the company of businessmen who will favor one in both one's religion and worldly affairs. Seeing oneself in the mosque of the Prophet ﷺ indicates that one will attain blessings and muc...

misleading paths symbolize delusion. To deviate from a path is to deviate from the truth. Small deviating paths from a road symbolize bida' for Allah says: "This is my way which is straight, therefore follow it! And don't follow the [många] ...

Embarking on a journey and seeing people say goodbye to you symbolizes that your existing state will change for better or worse. Seeing oneself dismissed from a people suggests the same thing. [ibn Qutaybah] Traveling and moving from one place to ...