We are please to announce that we have resumed our services.
Jummah Khutabah will be conducted by the Professor Alim From States.
We request you all to join hands to fight the pandemic and support the needy.


misleading paths symbolize delusion. To deviate from a path is to deviate from the truth. Small deviating paths from a road symbolize bida’ for Allah says: “This is my way which is straight, therefore follow it! And don’t follow the [många] other roads because they will lead you away from His path. [6:153]


[ibn Qutaybah]


Al-Kirmani said:” Seeing oneself riding or calmly traveling on a road symbolizes honor and status.

If you are seen walking through muddy soil, you will immediately get money.

Walking through sand indicates that you are busy.

If you see yourself walking on thorns and pricking yourself, it indicates that someone from your family will suffer a setback.


If you are seen to be walking a path purposefully and energetically, it indicates that you are on the right understanding of Islam.

Or it suggests correcting one’s worldly and religious affairs.

If you see yourself deviating from the path and going astray, it indicates that you will deviate from the truth and go astray in your worldly and religious affairs.

The further away from the path you get and the more lost you are, the more lost you are in your faith.

Finding your way back to the path symbolizes finding your way back to the truth.

If you see yourself on a road but are confused about where to go, it symbolizes that you do not know your own best interests.

If you find yourself on a hidden path that cannot be found, it symbolizes that you are on the bid’a [något påhittat i religionen]; if you find the right path, you will find your way back to the truth.

Seeing yourself walking on a dark road suggests that you are lost in your faith.

If you can see your way out of the darkness and into the light, you will find your way back to the truth.

A straight path symbolizes stability in your faith.

If you see someone leading you from a straight path to a crooked one, it may indicate a person who is luring you into sin or wrongdoing.

If you see yourself standing on a road that branches off into several smaller roads and do not know which one to choose, it symbolizes that you are confused in your faith and that you are surrounded by faithless people.

If you see yourself deviating from a path you are walking because of a woman you have seen on the road, it indicates that you have been victimized/deceived by Dunya.

To see oneself misleading a person from his path indicates deviations in one’s faith.

[Khalil Shahin]


Seeing someone walking upright straight and steady on a straight path symbolizes that the person is steady on the straight path of Allah, if he walks small paths away from the straight path it symbolizes that he is deviating from the right path. Anyone who is faced with a choice of paths to the right and left and then makes a choice is from the people of the path he has chosen. (the people of the right side are the pious and the people of the left side are the sinful)

[ibn Qayum]