We are please to announce that we have resumed our services.
Jummah Khutabah will be conducted by the Professor Alim From States.
We request you all to join hands to fight the pandemic and support the needy.


If a woman in a dream sees herself perfuming herself, it symbolizes that she is about to embark on a good deed. If she is unmarried, it suggests that she will get married. ...

Poetry that is not about Allah or does not contain wisdom symbolizes falsehood. [ibn Qutaybah]...

Running away from something symbolizes being rescued and spared. [ibn al-Qayim]...

A rope symbolizes a promise, a pact or the truth. [Baghawi, ibn Qutaybah]...

Att se sig penetrera i någons anus symboliserar att ge sig in i någon angelägenhet på ett felaktigt sätt.   ...

Anyone who enters a hammam will suffer discomfort according to how hot it is. This concern will be from women. If he...

A wave symbolizes justice. [ibn Qayum] ...

Anyone who sees someone calling out to him from an unknown place may indicate that he is going to die. [ibn Qutaybah] ...

Singing symbolizes falsehood and sin. [ibn Qutaybah]   To be seen singing so that people can hear you symbolizes that people will learn your secrets. A person who sings can also indicate a person who openly complains/whines and exposes their...

If a person sees himself slaughtering someone, it means that he will oppress the person he is slaughtering. The same is true with anything that is not halal to slaughter; there, the one who slaughters symbolizes his oppression against what is being s...