We are please to announce that we have resumed our services.
Jummah Khutabah will be conducted by the Professor Alim From States.
We request you all to join hands to fight the pandemic and support the needy.


A nail symbolizes a man who helps people achieve their goals. [ibn Qutaybah] A nail suggests firmness and stability in a thing. It can also indicate marriage, especially if you nail something that is related to women. Many nails symbolize strengt...

Teeth symbolize one's family members and relatives, the front teeth symbolize the closest in the family then the further back the teeth are the more distant the relative, the canines/ wisdom teeth are the most distant. The upper teeth symbolize one's...

En person som utropar/skriker bland folk symboliserar en person som sprider folks hemligheter.   ...

Weapons and armor symbolize to those who wear them protection from an enemy. It can also symbolize that your religion is protected. A spear, bow and arrow or drawn sword can symbolize a ruler. What happens to the weapon symbolizes what will happen...

Getting wings or feathers symbolizes that you will get money, or if you see yourself flying it suggests that you will travel. [ibn Qayum] Seeing yourself with wings or feathers suggests beautiful clothes and good, if you see yourself flying with yo...

Wood that is stacked symbolizes hypocrisy in religion or people with the characteristics of a hypocrite. [Baghawi, ibn Qayum, ibn Qutaybah]...

Zakat symbolizes increase and multiplication for the one who has paid it. Allah says: "But what you give to the needy to win Allah's favor [välsignar Han] with a manifold reward." [Rom:39] Paying Zakat al-Fitr symbolizes repaying one's debts at the...