We are please to announce that we have resumed our services.
Jummah Khutabah will be conducted by the Professor Alim From States.
We request you all to join hands to fight the pandemic and support the needy.


If a person sees himself slaughtering someone, it means that he will oppress the person he is slaughtering. The same is true with anything that is not halal to slaughter; there, the one who slaughters symbolizes his oppression against what is being slaughtered.

If you see a bull being slaughtered in a certain place or home or its meat being distributed, it symbolizes a hardship in which a great personality dies and his money is then shared. The same applies if what is being slaughtered is a camel, calf or goat.

If you see the meat ending up in a pot that someone then eats from, it symbolizes that the person who ate it will get the person’s money.


[ibn Qutaybah]


Slaughter symbolizes injustice and oppression, seeing yourself slaughtering a person suggests that you will oppress him. If you see yourself slaughtering your family, it suggests that you will belittle their status and break ties with them.

If you are worried and see yourself being slaughtered, you will be relieved of your worries.


[abu Taher]