We are please to announce that we have resumed our services.
Jummah Khutabah will be conducted by the Professor Alim From States.
We request you all to join hands to fight the pandemic and support the needy.

Negative states

Att fly från något symboliserar att man räddas och skonas. [ibn Qayim] Att fly något kan tolkas på olika sätt; det kan tyda på makt, tawbah/ånger eller död. Att se sig fly från en fiende som man är rädd för tyder på att man kommer vara säker...

Hunger is sadness. Hunger is in the dream better than being full, the same goes for thirst which is better than being full from drink, poverty is better than wealth and crying is better than laughing with the exception of smiling [vilket är positivt...

A sick person may indicate hypocrisy and doubt or eye-service/riya. If you see a sick person leaving his home without speaking, it symbolizes his death, but if he speaks, he will live and get well...

Ilska i en dröm symboliserar fattigdom eller att saker blir tvärtom.   Men om en...

A jinn symbolizes a person who is cunning in tricking and deceiving. [ibn Qutaybah]   Jinns symbolize people who are sinful, defiant, false, who plot evil and deceive. A dispute with a jinn suggests a dispute with untrustworthy and false peo...

Magic in a dream may indicate divorce, for Allah says: "Yet they learned from these two such things by which they could separate a man from his wife."[Baqara:102] [abu Taher] Sorcerers symbolize false speech, lies, fitnah/trials, malicious peop...

To see yourself killing a person in a dream without removing any part of their body suggests that you will receive a benefit and something good from the person you have killed. It is also said to indicate that you will oppress the person you have se...

The exposure of a person's awrah/nakedness symbolizes sins he does as will shame and disgrace him. [ibn al-Qayim] Seeing yourself naked in front of people and at the same time being embarrassed and asking them for something to cover yourself with,...

Seeing yourself as oppressed is better than seeing yourself as the oppressor. [ibn Qutaybah]...

The plague symbolizes war. [Baghawi] ...