We are please to announce that we have resumed our services.
Jummah Khutabah will be conducted by the Professor Alim From States.
We request you all to join hands to fight the pandemic and support the needy.

Negative states

Ashes symbolize false and fruitless deeds. [ibn al-Qayum] Ashes symbolize speech or knowledge that is useless and false. The same applies to mirage and dust. "Allah says: But those who deny the truth - what they [tror sig ha] have done is like a ...

Att kräkas i en dröm symboliserar att bli av med bekymmer eller pengar.   [abu T...

Att se sig baktala någon i drömmen har en motsatts betydelse, det vill säga att det man säger om andra kommer att drabba en själv. ...

To be expelled is to be imprisoned. To see oneself banished from paradise symbolizes the poverty that will befall one. [abu Taher]...

Seeing yourself with white clothes and a darkened face symbolizes that you will have a daughter. Seeing a person with a dirty and dark face symbolizes that the person is lying about Allah. The fact that someone's face is dark and changed/disfigured...

Throwing stones and shooting arrows at someone symbolizes slandering and false accuse someone of fornication. [Baghawi]...

Crying indicates joy as long as it is not with a wailing sound because then it indicates a setback. [ibn Qutaybah]...

Fångenskap i drömmen symboliserar begränsade tillgångar/att man har det knapert. Så att se sig i fångenskap tyder på att man kommer att få det ekonomiskt svårt. Det kan också symbolisera att man har en skuld som man inte kan bli av med. Om en i...

Fattigdom i drömmen symboliserar rikedom, mat och khayr/gott.   Allah säger ”Om ...

Fear Symbolizes security. [ibn Qayum, Abu Taher] ...