We are please to announce that we have resumed our services.
Jummah Khutabah will be conducted by the Professor Alim From States.
We request you all to join hands to fight the pandemic and support the needy.

Food and drink

The fig tree symbolizes a rich and powerful person to whom enemies seek help or it can indicate grief. [Khalil Shahin] Figs can symbolize sadness and regret. [ibn Qutaybah] Figs symbolize money and fertility for those who receive them in dreams. Ea...

Fruit suggests marriage. [abu Taher] For more information read the category about trees...

Garlic in a dream symbolizes haram money, or it may indicate vulgar speech. A person who has garlic may indicate a person who has traded something better for something worse. Seeing oneself eating garlic may also indicate repenting from fornication...

A grapevine orchard symbolizes a woman. ...

Honey can symbolize money. [Baghawi] Honey is gains/exchanges in the worldly and religious. For the sick person, it indicates health and recovery. Ibn Abbas narrates that a man came to the Prophet ﷺ and told him that he had seen a dream i...

Is a complicated person who is stressful with bad character . H ...

Lentils in a dream can symbolize halal money as long as they are dry and not cooked. The gathering of friends and scholars around the lenses suggests that a person from that place will die. It is also said to indicate worries and subsistence of a l...

Eating someone's meat is slandering him. [ibn Qayum] Eating from your own meat or someone else's to the extent that it leaves clear traces indicates that you are eating from your money or someone else's, whereas if it does not leave traces, it symb...

Cow's milk symbolizes money and good. If a poor person sees himself milking a cow and drinking its milk, it suggests that he will become independent/self-sufficient and rise in status. If the person is rich, he will increase in wealth and status. [...

Seeing oil or other grease on your head symbolizes beauty, but if it runs down your face, it means trouble. [Baghawi] Oil in a dream symbolizes halal assets or health and recovery for those who see themselves anointed with it. [Abu Taher] Oil sym...