We are please to announce that we have resumed our services.
Jummah Khutabah will be conducted by the Professor Alim From States.
We request you all to join hands to fight the pandemic and support the needy.

Food and drink

Alcohol in the dream is easy haram money you get without hassle. Getting drunk symbolizes power and money, getting drunk without drinking indicates great terror/fear based on Allah's statement: "And men shall be seen [ragla som] drunk, though they ...

A nut symbolizes money saved or a treasure. [Baghawi]   If it shakes, it is bad and evil. [ibn Qayum] A nut symbolizes money saved, if there is an offensive/rattling sound from inside it, it indicates a dispute. [Ibn Qutaybah]...

Whoever sees a lot of bread without eating from it will in a near time meet his brothers and friends. Eating clean b...

Butter can mean money. [Baghawi] Cow's fat and butter symbolize fertility, its milk symbolizes money and good. [ibn Qutaybah]  ...

Whoever gets something from a coconut will hear something from a fortune teller. [ibn Qutaybah]...

The date kernel symbolizes that you will be planning a trip. [Baghawi] Seeing a date kernel turn into a palm tree symbolizes your child becoming a scholar. Or a lowly person who has gained status. [abu Taher]  ...

A dispute over a drinking vessel is a dispute with an opponent, the same applies to a bucket. [ibn Qutaybah]...

Dates are appealing halal money. The date palm is a man of high status. Whoever sees themselves splitting a date and taking out the seeds will have a child. Seeing dates in its season symbolizes engaging with the Qur'an and knowledge and outside it...

Deg i en dröm symboliserar förtjänade pengar/tillgångar.   Att se en jäst deg i ...

Eggs Eggs mean women. [ibn Qayum] Anyone seen incubating an egg will get a female or be in their company. To be seen eating only its shell and not its contents symbolizes stealing the belongings of the departed. A hen's egg symb...