We are please to announce that we have resumed our services.
Jummah Khutabah will be conducted by the Professor Alim From States.
We request you all to join hands to fight the pandemic and support the needy.


Anyone who is seen wearing a gold or silver necklace will have a position of power and responsibility.

A pearl necklace is Allah’s speech or speech of virtue.

Ibn Sirin said that pearls symbolize the Koran, a necklace is a rule, a crown is a kingdom and earrings mean that you are beautiful with people.


Scattered pearls are one or more sons or servants or beautiful speech.

A pearl can also be a girl or woman.

Large quantities of pearls weighed or carried in vessels symbolize great wealth for those who have them, and whoever takes something from it will be awarded from this money.

To eat pearls is to hide knowledge.

If someone throws pearls at a person means that he will gain knowledge from him.

To see oneself wearing two, three or four belts of gold that become difficult to wear symbolizes that one will reach such an old age that one will become weak and have a bad memory.

However, being handed a gold belt indicates a domestic trip.

Wearing a necklace made of gold, silver, precious stones or pearls symbolizes that you will have a position of power and trust.


Whoever gets a ruby will get a beautiful wife, rubies symbolize

generally women unless it is a large amount; then it is money.

Emerald are the best in the character of brothers and children or good halal money or

sincere good speech of piety.


balls of mother-of-pearl are a valet or worthless money.

A ring whose material and carving are well known symbolizes a person’s power or something in his possession.

Whoever receives a ring with which he marks/stamps his seal will have something new in his possession that he did not previously own.

Or the ring may symbolize a woman, a child or money.

Some scholars mention that if the ring symbolizes a woman, her beauty can

measured by the beauty of the gemstone on the ring.

If you see your ring break and fall, but its gemstone remains, it symbolizes that you lose your power or what you have in your possession but that your good reputation remains.

If it is a gold ring, anything that has been in the person’s power or possession is haram.

If the ring is made of iron or copper, it indicates that the person will be dishonored.

If you see yourself stamping your seal on a book or a letter, it symbolizes that you are confirming a personal news, if the book is open, it indicates that the news is public.

Seeing yourself being given a ring by a king or leader, and putting it on yourself, suggests that you will be given a share of the leader’s power, provided you are fit for office.

Anyone who sees themselves wearing gold or silver bracelets will suffer from something

negative in their possessions. Silver is less serious than gold.

The adversity will be worse if the bracelet is colored.

The Prophet [salalahu aleyhi wa salam] said: ” I saw myself in the dream having two gold bracelets in my hand which I blew away and they fell down. I interpret it as symbolizing the liar Mosaylimah and al Anasi of San’a.[1]”

[Bukhari och Muslim]


To be seen wearing gold or silver ankle jewelry symbolizes that you

will suffer from fear or captivity.

Or bracelets and anklets symbolize your spouse.


Generally, jewelry does not symbolize anything good for men in dreams, except

necklaces, earrings and rings. Unlike women for them symbolizes

all jewelry is good.

Raw gold/gold nuggets can symbolize a debt.

[ibn Qutaybah]

If a man wears bracelet jewelry in a dream, it indicates trouble.

For a woman, it indicates beauty. If she is a virgin or a widow, she will get married, the same goes for the rest of the jewelry, they all symbolize marriage for her.

Seeing bracelet jewelry in your possession symbolizes that you will get married.

Bracelet jewelry on the deceased indicates that they are in paradise for Allah says: “Therein they will be adorned with bracelets of gold. [Kahf:31]

It is also said that wearing a gold bracelet can symbolize a heritage.

For the unmarried person, a bracelet symbolizes a wife or child.

It is also said that silver bracelets indicate one’s strong faith as that is what the people in paradise will be adorned with, Allah says: “They will be adorned therein with bracelets of silver.” [al-Insan 21]

Bracelets symbolize for the leader the increase of power.

[abu Taher]

[1 ] Two false prophets.