We are please to announce that we have resumed our services.
Jummah Khutabah will be conducted by the Professor Alim From States.
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Fire symbolizes fitnah (trials, conflicts and killing etc.) and destruction, as fire and fitnah both have the same devastating effect on whatever comes in their way. The first burns furniture, property and people, and the second burns hearts, religion and faith.

Everything burnt by fire is destroyed, dead and beyond salvation.

[ibn al-Qayum]

Fire symbolizes war if it flames and makes noise.

If there is no war in the place where the fire is burning, it may indicate deadly epidemics.

If the fire doesn’t have flames or make sounds, it can symbolize diseases and events more gentle than wars and deadly epidemics.

Whoever sees himself making a fire to warm himself will start something that protects him from poverty, as cold symbolizes poverty.

Lighting a torch on a dark wasteland to illuminate people or help them find their way symbolizes spreading knowledge and wisdom that people benefit from.

But if it goes astray, it symbolizes a call to error.

If you see yourself building a fire and then grilling meat, it suggests that you will start something that benefits people, if you see yourself eating from the meat, you will have a smaller amount of money and worries.

Burning a body part or one’s clothes symbolizes injury and adversity.

Whoever takes something from a fire, will take haram money from a leader.

Anyone who eats hot coals will steal from the orphans’ money.

Anyone who is burned by a flame of fire will be slandered by people.

He who sees sparks of fire coming towards him will hear things he does not like.

Whoever sees a flame of fire in his hand will have a share in a reign.

To spread this flame among people is to create hatred and enmity between them or to cause them harm.

A man asked ibn Sirin about a person who saw in a dream that his finger was like a lantern. He said “it is a man who will be blinded and led by his children.”

Seeing someone worshiping fire symbolizes that he will sin against Allah by obeying Shaytan or it means that he wants to go to war.

If the fire doesn’t have flames, it means he is compromising his religion to get something haram.

[ibn Qutaybah]

A fire in a dream can mean many different things, it can mean good news, blessings/barakah, a warning, war, punishment, a ruler, imprisonment, loss and sins.

If you see a flaming and roaring fire with sparks burning down trees, it symbolizes a fitnah that will kill lots of people. The extent of the death toll is estimated by the number of trees burned.

The higher the smoke of the fire rises, the greater the adversity and punishment it indicates.

A burning fire can symbolize personal harm inflicted by a leader.

If you see yourself lighting a fire by a road, it symbolizes that you will gain knowledge to guide others.

However, if you see yourself lighting a fire by the road when it is light, it symbolizes that you are on a prayer and delusion.

Seeing a fire in the daytime indicates war and fitnah.

If you see a fire in the evening/night, it indicates company.

To see yourself as worshipping fire suggests that you are warlike or that you will obey a leader in sin.

If you see yourself making a fire under an empty pot, it suggests that your leadership in the home is pointless and only hurts you.

Seeing a flame with smoke on your door indicates that you will be going on a hajj.

A flame in the home symbolizes marriage.

A fire spark symbolizes searching for something until you find it.

A fire spark may also indicate a dispute with a partner or spouse.

Seeing fire in your hand suggests that you are unfair in your profession.

If you are seen to warm yourself with fire in winter, you will achieve wealth.

Eating fire suggests taking the orphans’ property.

Seeing yourself being led towards the fire symbolizes being trapped.

To see oneself taken into the fire and then rescued from it suggests that one will go to paradise.

If you are caught in the fire and punished, it indicates a loss of property/money.

If you see someone leading you into the fire, it symbolizes a person who is inciting you to do a great sin that may lead to the fire in the next life.

Seeing hell in front of you may indicate that you should be wary of those in power.

If you are seen to enter the fire and taste its punishment, it suggests that you will end up in a fitnah.

If you see a group of people gathered around a shining fire, it indicates that they will receive barakah/blessing, based on Allah’s statement:

“But when he approached the Fire [hörde han en röst som] cried out: “Blessed are those who stand by the Fire and those who are near it!” [27:8]

If you see a fire in the countryside that you wish you could go to, it suggests that you are tired of being alone and are looking for company.

If you see the fire burning a piece of grain or popular commodities, it symbolizes that the demand for them will increase and that their price will rise.

[abu Taher]