We are please to announce that we have resumed our services.
Jummah Khutabah will be conducted by the Professor Alim From States.
We request you all to join hands to fight the pandemic and support the needy.


Anything that symbolizes a repository for money, such as boxes, chests and bags, symbolizes the heart. [ibn al-Qayim]...

Dajjal in a dream is an unjust leader who deceives, does not keep his promises and is surrounded by evil people. [Abu Taher, ibn Wardi] Dajjal also symb...

Unraveling a spun thread or piece of clothing to remake them symbolizes breaking their agreements. [ibn Qayum]...

En djinn symboliserar en person som är slug i att och bedra och luras. [ibn Qutaybah] Djinner symboliserar sluga bedragare. Att se sig i en tvist med en djinn symboliserar en tvist med ett oärligt folk. Att se djinner på en specifik plats...

Wearing earrings symbolizes that you are beautiful and nice to people. [ibn Qutaybah] For more information read about jewelry....

Eid-dagen i en dröm symboliserar lycka och glädje.    Den som förlorat något och...

Fatigue can symbolize security. [ibn al Qayum] ...

Firewood collectors symbolize someone who spreads gossip between people. [al-Baghawi] Firewood, wet or dry, symbolizes gossip and disputes. [ibn Qutaybah]...

Att överse och förlåta en person i en dröm tyder på att Allah kommer att förlåta en.   ...

Good smells symbolize praise, good speech and good deeds, bad smells suggest the opposite. [ibn Qayum] ...