We are please to announce that we have resumed our services.
Jummah Khutabah will be conducted by the Professor Alim From States.
We request you all to join hands to fight the pandemic and support the needy.


Open doors symbolize the different doors of income.

A gate to a building or area symbolizes the man of the house; so what happens to the gate, like it breaking, being removed or burning up etc. symbolizes what happens to the man in the house.

The door and threshold of a dwelling symbolize the woman.

Anyone who sees himself closing a door will marry a woman.

Seeing yourself knocking on a door symbolizes that you will have your request answered, or you will achieve something you are striving for and if you see the door open, it is close to your request being accepted or that you will get what you have been striving for.

[ibn Qutaybah]


A door can symbolize the man of the house, if you see it fall, he will get sick, if it breaks so badly that it cannot be repaired, he will die.

A house with two doors indicates that the wife in the house is poor and has love/feelings for another man.

Seeing yourself entering a door and then locking/closing it behind you symbolizes that you will be protected from a sin.

If you see your home all in gold, it symbolizes that it will burn up.

[abu Taher]


Al-Kirmani said: “Seeing yourself making a door with a lock symbolizes that you will propose to a woman whom you will also marry.

Removing a door may indicate a divorce or the death of the wife.

If you ask a carpenter to make a new door, you will marry a virgin.

A door that cannot be locked symbolizes marrying a woman who is not a virgin.”


Abu Said al Wa’idh said: “If you see yourself trying to lock your door but failing to do so, it indicates that you are going to leave a task you are not capable of.

If you see several doors in your home wide open, it is said to indicate that the worldly will be opened to you.”


Seeing your door as big and sturdy symbolizes your good condition.

If you see your door blocked or torn off and disappearing, it symbolizes a major disaster that will affect your household.

If you see yourself wanting to lock a door, but not being able to do so, this indicates difficulties you will have to endure because of your wife.

To see oneself entering a people through a door suggests that one will obtain what one seeks from them, win an argument or victory over one’s enemy.

Allah says: “Enter them straight through the gate; if you enter, it is you who are the victors.” [5:23]


Seeing yourself walk out of a door without intending to return symbolizes leaving something behind.

Going through a narrow door to a spacious place, or from a bad place to a better one, symbolizes success, something good and getting rid of worries.

If you find yourself looking for a door and not finding it, it suggests something you are searching for in life with confusion that you will never achieve.


Removing the door header symbolizes divorce.

Installing it suggests that you will get married.

Wanting to open a door without success despite many attempts indicates failure and that you will not achieve what you want.

Locking a door can symbolize separation from your wife.

Seeing oneself reinforcing one’s door with nails suggests that one will increase in love for one’s wife.

[Khalil Shahin]


Getting out of narrow doors symbolizes rescue and being spared from the evil in which one finds oneself. It can also mean tawbah (to repent for one’s sins), especially if one comes out to some spacious and open ground, then it only means good.

[ibn Qayum]