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Teeth symbolize one’s family members and relatives, the front teeth symbolize the closest in the family then the further back the teeth are the more distant the relative, the canines/ wisdom teeth are the most distant.
The upper teeth symbolize one’s male relatives and the lower ones female.
The state of the teeth whether they are beautiful, healthy or rotten and bad or you lose them symbolizes what will happen to the respective relative.
If you see a new tooth grow out that you didn’t have before, it’s a benefit that will be given to your brother or child.
Seeing teeth fall out symbolizes death in the family.

(Ibn Qutaybah)

Teeth in dreams symbolize your close and distant relatives.
The upper incisors symbolize your brothers and the lower ones your sisters.
Or they can symbolize your father, mother or child.
Side teeth are interpreted as the man of the house.
Losing a tooth symbolizes losing one of the mentioned from your family.
A tooth can also symbolize your money or the person appointed to manage your money.
One’s front molars are said to symbolize uncles and aunts.
Your back molars could be your grandfather, grandfather, grandmother or grandmother.
Back molars are also said to symbolize your toddler.
The right side of the jaw symbolizes one’s male relatives and the left side the female ones.
He who loses his teeth, so that he can no longer eat, will be poor.
If you lose them in your hand without pain, you will receive money equal to the number of teeth you have lost. [författaren nämner att varje tand motsvarar ett guldmynt/dirham].
Anyone who pulls a tooth until he loses it will end up in a dispute with the person the tooth symbolizes or it may symbolize a debt.
Anyone who loses his teeth but can still eat means that his loved ones will die before him and that he will live longer than them.
Losing a tooth while feeling sad about it; means that you will lose the one that the tooth symbolizes.
Seeing one tooth grow longer than the others symbolizes getting into a fight with your family.

Ibn Sirin said that pulling out a molar in the dream symbolizes breaking the family ties, and the blood that comes from pulling out the tooth symbolizes the sin of breaking the family ties. Holding teeth in the hand or in one’s pocket symbolizes the growth of brothers and children as long as one does not feel pain.
Removing a tooth with the tongue symbolizes that the person will say things that destroy/divide the family.

If you see your teeth are silver, it is a loss of money.

Pulling molars is also said to mean that what has been hidden and secret becomes public.

Anyone who sees themselves getting more teeth will have a bigger family.
The teeth of the king/leader can symbolize his army.
The teacher’s teeth can symbolize his students.

Scholars tell us that a caliph/leader saw himself losing all his teeth in a dream, so he asked a dream interpreter about the meaning. He replied that your whole family will die! Which made the Caliph angry, so he brought another dream interpreter who was ill to let him interpret the dream, when he told the dream the man said ” O Amir al – mu’minin! you are the one of your family who will live the longest”, which made him happy.

He phrased it better, mentioning life instead of death, even though it was ultimately the same interpretation of the dream.

(abu Taher)

Teeth suggest children, family and relatives, riding animals or anything that has some use.
The teeth on the right symbolize men, those on the left women, and the molars one’s older relatives.
If you see your teeth become beautiful or strong and you are unmarried, you will get married, otherwise it symbolizes something positive from them that the teeth symbolize.
If you see your teeth blacken or get holes, fall, break, suffer pain or are damaged in some other way, it symbolizes something negative in those whom the teeth symbolize.
If a tooth is pulled out, the person it symbolizes will die or leave you.
A sick person seeing his teeth destroyed can symbolize his death.

(Shihab al A’biir)

Seeing his front teeth become longer, more beautiful and whiter symbolizes that his father or uncle will have more power, money, influence or happiness.
If a person sees something harmful growing among his teeth, it symbolizes that he will have an increase that will be a shame and burden for the family. It will also damage them in accordance with how harmful this unwanted thing was to the teeth.

If you see teeth growing on your heart, you will die.

Trying to fix your teeth and then pulling them out means that you will spend your money reluctantly, end up in debt or break family ties with the person your teeth symbolize.

If you see all your teeth fall out and you have them gathered in your clothes, you will live so long that you lose your teeth and your family grows up.
On the other hand, if you see all your teeth falling out and then disappearing, your family will pass away before you, or your peers will die, or your family will get sick.
If you see one of your teeth disappear, a member of your family will disappear, and if he then finds the tooth, it means that person will come back.

If you see your upper teeth fall into your hand, it is money that you will receive. If they fall into your arms, you will have a son.
If they fall on the ground, it is a setback in the form of someone’s death that will happen.
If your teeth are loose, it means there is disease in your family.

(al- Qaderi)

Loose teeth can symbolize a setback or a bad relationship with someone from your family.
A man came to Qatadah and mentioned that a person had seen in a dream one of his canines loose without losing it, he said it means a setback.
The man asked ibn Sirin about the dream, who told him that the person should fear Allah and correct the situation between him and his family.

[ibn abi Dunya]