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Anyone who sees his beard is unusually long will suffer grief or will end up in debt.

If he sees the beard shrinking without disfiguring him, he gets rid of his guilt or sadness.

If his beard is shaved off or trimmed, he will lose his status among people.

[ibn Qutaybah]

Beard in a dream symbolizes a man’s status and money.

Those who grow their beard longer will increase in status and money, as long as it is not longer than their navel.

Whoever is seen grabbing his beard with his fist and cutting it, once or twice without shortening it will receive money/property from an influential person.

Seeing one’s beard bleached suggests dishonor.

If you are seen cutting your beard, you will lose money/property according to how much you cut.

Seeing someone pulled by the beard towards a person symbolizes that he will inherit the person.

If a worried person sees himself shaving his beard, it suggests that his worries will go away.

A yellow beard indicates poverty.

Seeing one’s beard black symbolizes money and strength whether the person who sees themselves with a black beard is young or old.

Seeing that one’s beard is colored (with henna) suggests that one’s privacy will be protected.

If you see the color disappear, it indicates trouble and that what you are trying to hide will be revealed.

If a woman sees herself with a beard, she will have a son if she is pregnant.

Otherwise, it indicates grief for her husband.

It is also said that a woman’s beard symbolizes illness.

A shiny white beard is a sign of maturity, wisdom and understanding in people’s eyes. For it is said that the beard of the Prophet Ibrahim was brilliant white.

Seeing his beard black with green tint suggests immense riches that will result in hubris.

He who sees his beard turn gray will live a long time or it may mean that one becomes weak after being strong, as Allah says:

“Then He will give strength to weakness and gray hairs”. [Ar – Rom 54]

Gray hair can also symbolize that the person will have a son.

[abu Taher]

Anyone who sees his or her beard is unusually long will suffer grief or will end up in guilt and regret. Or it may indicate a lack of understanding.

Seeing yourself pulling your beard downwards symbolizes that your life is coming to an end.

Or it can symbolize regret and suffering a setback.

If you see that part of your beard has been removed or that you have a smooth and beardless face, it symbolizes that you will have extensive deficiencies.

If you see that your beard has become shorter, but not so much that it disfigures you and/or makes you look bad, it symbolizes that you are getting rid of worries, sorrow or debts.

Seeing your beard shaved can mean different things, if you are sick it indicates that you will get well and if you are in debt you will get rid of the debt and

If you are worried, your worries will disappear.

Others interpret it as something very negative.

If you see someone grabbing your beard without you feeling pain, it symbolizes that you will completely let yourself be controlled by someone. Growing a beard can also indicate that you will have an inheritance.

If you see your beard falling off due to a weak condition, it indicates that you will suddenly die.

If you see yourself combing/brushing your beard and perfuming it, it symbolizes that someone cares about you and is taking care of you.

If you see yourself doing this on someone’s beard, you are the person who is caring and helpful to the person whose beard you are combing.

If you see more than a third of your beard turn white/gray, it indicates that the person will increase in reverence, status and wisdom.

If, on the other hand, all the hair is completely chalky white, it symbolizes physical weakness and the reduction of money.

Seeing a woman grow a beard can mean one of seven things; if she is pregnant she will have a son, if she is not pregnant she will never have a child, if she already has a son he will be a leader of his people, if she is a widow she will get married, if she is married she will be a widow. Or it could symbolize that she is suffering from worries, troubles and embarrassment.

Seeing yourself as a youth with the beard you had when you were young symbolizes that you will see something you dislike or be oppressed by your leaders.

Abu Sa’id al Wa’idh says that gray hair in a youth symbolizes the return of an absent person.

Seeing oneself sporting gray hair indicates that one will defy the Prophet’s Sunnah and belittle the righteous.

It is also said that gray hair indicates a long life.

If you see your entire beard gray except for some black hairs, it can be interpreted in three different ways: a strong longing for someone who is gone, the person may have a son or he may have a long life.

If you see your hair turning into plants, it indicates that your condition will change or it indicates poverty and disgrace.

Seeing oneself with a colored beard [henna] indicates sincere deeds and devotion to Allah or that one’s financial difficulties are hidden from people.

Coloring the beard as non-Muslims do can be an indication of eye candy and pretentiousness.

Trying to dye the beard with something that does not dye, such as clay and the like, symbolizes trying to hide your flaws in a way that everyone can see through. Or he is affected by something negative and hopelessness.

Abu Sa’id al Wa’idh says that a man who is seen coloring his fingers [med henna] indicates a lot of tasbih. If a woman sees it, it indicates that her husband will be good to her.

It is said that hair on the body that grows excessively long symbolizes an increase in the form of a large sum of money.

Losing hair can symbolize losing money.

To see yourself applying oil to your body, head or beard symbolizes beauty, as long as it is not so much that it runs, because then it symbolizes worry and concern.

It is also said that if this oil you apply is something fragrant, it symbolizes a good reputation/people will speak well of you.

If you see yourself combing your hair and lice and the like falling from your hair, it indicates that you will spend inheritance money.

Seeing yourself shaving the hair under your beard or on the back of your neck suggests that you are getting rid of a debt.

If you see a little hair growing on your tongue, it symbolizes wisdom, eloquence and knowledge in poetry, but if there is too much hair, it indicates worry and concern.

Some say that hair generally in dreams symbolizes money.

[Khalil Shahin]

A man’s beard in a dream symbolizes wealth and glory.

If you see the beard so long that it extends over the stomach, it symbolizes money and status. The energy you put into achieving this is measured by how much beard covers your stomach.

If you have a longer beard and it is even and beautiful, you will have honor, status, beauty, money, power and a good living.

If you see your beard longer on the sides but not in the middle, you will receive money that will eventually end up with someone else.

If you have an excessively long beard, it symbolizes a debt that worries you.

If the beard gets so long that it reaches the ground, it symbolizes that you will die, for Allah says:

“From this [jord] We have created you and to it We will return you”

[Ta Ha:55]

It is also said that those who grow a lot of hair and a longer beard will have more money and a long life.

But when the beard reaches your belly button, it symbolizes that you are a person who does not obey Allah as you should.

If you see your beard as jet black, you will become independent of others.

If a person who has a black beard sees himself in a dream having an even blacker beard, he will gain beauty, status and power.

If he sees it turn gray but part of the beard is still black, he will gain wisdom and come to his senses.

If his beard turns gray, he will become poor and lose his status.

If a person sees his beard black with a green tint, he will get a huge amount of money which will lead him to tyranny and bullying.

Yellow beards symbolize poverty.

A blond beard symbolizes suffering from fear/horror.

A gray, shiny, beard indicates that you will have great honor, status and a good reputation.

To see yourself dyeing your beard with henna and the dye sticking symbolizes that you are on the Prophet’s sunnah.

If you dye your hair but not your beard, you will hide the leader’s shortcomings.

Dyeing both your hair and beard is a way of hiding your poverty while seeking status among people.

If you dye your beard with something that does not dye like soil or clay and it sticks to the beard, it symbolizes that you will use certain ways / means to hide something, if you see the clay fall off, what you are trying to hide will be exposed.

If you see yourself coloring with henna and saffron, it suggests that the person is ignorant and just wants to enjoy himself but he will eventually make tawbah and come back.

If you are seen pulling someone’s beard, you will inherit the person and spend his money.

If you see your beard thinning or shortening without looking disfigured, it can symbolize getting rid of your debts if you are in debt. Or that you get rid of your worries if you are worried. Or that something difficult you want to do will be made easier.

On the other hand, if the beard is very short and looks disfigured, it symbolizes losing its reputation and status among people. If you see half your beard gone, it may indicate the loss of part of your status or half of your money.

If a wealthy person sees himself trimming his beard, he will waste his money.

If you see half your beard shaved off, you will become poor and lose your status. The same applies if you see your beard breaking. What you lose is measured by how much beard you lose.

Grabbing the beard with your fist and topping what sticks out symbolizes that you will pay your zakat.

If you see a beard on your wife, it indicates an increase in money for yourself or your children and that your wife will become ill.

It is also said that a woman’s beard indicates that she will never have children.

If she already has a child, he or she will become a leading figure in the family and gain a good reputation with people.

[al- Qaderi]