We are please to announce that we have resumed our services.
Jummah Khutabah will be conducted by the Professor Alim From States.
We request you all to join hands to fight the pandemic and support the needy.


Sleep in a dream can have several meanings, it can indicate security, neglect, taking control or being idle.


If you see yourself sleeping on your back, it symbolizes that you will gain stability in your worldly life.

It can also symbolize getting rid of worries.


Sleeping on your stomach with your face to the ground is negative, if a person in power is seen sleeping on his face he will be removed from office.

If you see people sleeping on their stomachs, it indicates poverty.


A man came to ibn Sirin and mentioned that in his dream he saw a man sleeping lying on his back.

Then ibn Sirin said: “That is a man of peace of mind.”


If a person in fear and worry sees himself sleeping, it indicates safety and security from what he fears, as All has said: “Then He sent down upon you, after this worry, a calm [i form av] slumber which overwhelmed a group of you.” [3:154]


If a confident person is seen sleeping, it may indicate neglect in his faith.


[abu Taher]


Sleep and unconsciousness indicate rest for the person who is tired and worn out, rescue for the one who is in difficulty, safety for the rescued, and a break in the journey for the traveler or a break from worship.

Finding yourself sleeping in an unsuitable place indicates a setback or it may indicate a trip.

[Shihab al A’bir]