We are please to announce that we have resumed our services.
Jummah Khutabah will be conducted by the Professor Alim From States.
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Sky and clouds

Whoever sees himself taken up to heaven and then enters it will be martyred and honored by Allah and be in His presence, in addition to which he will also receive honor and a good reputation.

If, on the other hand, he sees himself in heaven without knowing how or when he got there, it means accelerated martyrdom and accelerated glory in this life.

If you see open gates in the sky, it will rain a lot that year and water levels will rise.

Clouds symbolize hikmah [vishet och kunskap], whoever takes something from the cloud, owns it, collects it or eats from it will receive hikmah.

If he is among clouds but gets nothing from them, it suggests that he will be in the company of wise people without benefiting from their wisdom.

Whoever is on a cloud without disappearing into it will be exalted by wisdom.

If there is darkness or gloom or winds or anything reminiscent of punishment, it symbolizes punishment and anger.

If it is a cloud of rain for the people, it symbolizes grace/rahmah. This significance becomes stronger if there is also thunder and lightning.

[ibn Qutaybah]

The lowest sky can symbolize the palace or body of the ruler.

To see oneself ascending into heaven with a ladder symbolizes being honored with power.

A person who sees himself as heaven itself and is the son of a leader or a judge will be given a position of power suited to him.

If the person seeing this is afraid, it suggests that he will be safe.

Seeing the sky falling can symbolize that the roof of your house will collapse.

If the person is ill, it may indicate that he will die and be covered by earth in his grave.

To see oneself ascending into heaven and then looking down on earth suggests that the person will be given power and status and regret what they have missed.

A person who sees himself in the lowest heaven commanding and forbidding and at the same time is fit for a leading office will be assigned a minister/wazir position.

Seeing oneself disappear into the sky symbolizes that one is going to die, but if he comes out, it indicates a near-death experience.

If you see the sky turning green, it indicates that there will be plenty of fertility and vegetation during the year.

If the sky looks yellowish, it indicates a disease that will spread this year.

If you see an iron sky, it indicates that it will hardly rain in the current year.

If someone falls from the sky, it indicates that he will commit kufr for Allah says: “Whoever puts anything by the side of Allah, it is as if he plunged from the sky and became the prey of birds, or was carried far away by the wind to an unknown place.” [22:31]

Or he will be hurt by an oppressive person.

Anyone who tries to ascend to heaven by his own efforts will suffer.

To be seen in heaven without having to ascend is an indication of honor and status.

If you see the sky close to the ground, it indicates rain and precipitation.

It can also symbolize that one’s invocation and good deeds are accepted.

If you see the gates of heaven wide open, it suggests that you are a believer and that your invocation is accepted.

If the doors are opened, it may indicate that it will rain for Allah says: “And We opened the gates of heaven and let abundant rain pour [utan uppehåll]” [54:11]

It may also indicate that one’s invocation and good deeds will be accepted.

If you see the gates of heaven closed, it indicates that the rain will be held back from people.

Looking to the far east and west may indicate that you will travel, or be given leadership if you are suited to it.

Seeing yourself biting the sky symbolizes a setback, loss of money or trying to take over something you will fail at.

If you see the sky falling down with darkness and a crashing sound, it indicates fitnah/trials or the death of a great personality.

Seeing yourself circling in the sky and then descending from it suggests that you will gain knowledge of astronomy or other deep knowledge in other subjects that make you famous.

Seeing yourself supported by the sky suggests that you will gain power and defeat your opponent.

Seeing the sky crying suggests that it will rain.

Clouds symbolize a merciful leader, a learned person or a wise person.

Seeing oneself in a cloud or among clouds suggests that one will be in the company of the aforementioned.

Seeing yourself eating from the clouds symbolizes that you will benefit from a learned person.

To see oneself having clouds in one’s possession indicates that one will receive hikmah.

If you are among clouds but do not get anything from or eat from it, it suggests that you will be in the company of wise people without partaking of their wisdom.

Dark clouds indicate hikmah with power for the one who sees himself owning them.

It is also said that dark clouds indicate cold.

White clouds are said to symbolize a pregnant woman and the creation of all life from water.

Clouds can also symbolize Islam, if a Kafir sees a cloud falling over him, he will become a Muslim.

Ja’far Sadiq said “Seeing oneself in clothes of clouds indicates that one has been embraced by the mercy of Allah”.

Seeing oneself building a home on a cloud suggests that one will quickly obtain what is halal in Dunya along with wisdom and honor.

Building castles on clouds suggests that one wisely stays away from sins and instead builds castles in Paradise with one’s good deeds.

To see oneself holding a cloud in the hand from which water comes symbolizes that one will gain wisdom/knowledge and that one’s speech and actions will be characterized by wisdom.

Seeing yourself as a cloud raining down on people suggests that you will be given money with which to favor people.

If you see clouds from which gold is raining down on you, it suggests that you will learn morals and ethics from a wise person.

A cloud without rain can symbolize a learned person whose knowledge is not being used.

Seeing someone shouting from a cloud may indicate that you are going on Hajj.

Black clouds are said to indicate unemployment.

Red clouds indicate fitnah [blodspillan och konflikter].

White clouds indicate work and employment.

Seeing a cloud rise from the earth to the sky indicates a journey.

[abu Taher]

To see oneself taken up into heaven and then find its gates closed has no good meaning but indicates that one’s deeds are not accepted, either because of eye-service or a deficiency in one’s deeds.

Ibn Sirin said “He who sees himself in the sky will embark on a great journey during which he will find the cause of being honored and exalted in this life and the life to come, seeing himself flying vertically has the same meaning.

Anyone who sees himself taken up to heaven standing and then not returning indicates that his life is over.

To see one’s head reaching for the sky indicates high status and greatness.

Hearing a call from heaven indicates something good.”

Al-Kirmani said “Seeing oneself building houses in heaven indicates that one’s time has come”.

If he builds the house of bricks and mortar, it suggests that he is seduced by the worldly life.

If you see a little sand or earth coming down from the sky, it has a positive meaning, unlike if it is in large quantities.

If you see fire, scorpions, snakes or stones raining from the sky, it symbolizes Allah’s punishment on the place where you saw it happening.

Seeing oneself descending with a rope from the sky indicates adherence to the religion of Allah and the sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ.

Seeing yourself grabbing a rope and hanging from the sky indicates your high level.

Seeing the gates of heaven open indicates that one’s dua is answered and rain.

To see oneself ascending into the sky on a ladder or with a rope suggests gaining power, status and position. If you get up without any help, you will inspire fear.

If you see yourself disappearing into one of the heavens without returning, you will surely die. For Allah says: ” [Som] When Allah said: “Jesus! I

shall take you and bring you up to Me” [3 .55]

if you see yourself in heaven and you don’t know when you got there, it indicates, inshallah, that you will enter paradise.

Seeing yourself falling from the sky is negative. If a leader sees it, it suggests that he will lose his power and be unable to accomplish his goals.

Seeing a bird take you up into the sky without you falling is a sign of good fortune and a rise in status.

seeing the sky crack/tear suggests discord between people and lies about Allah.

It is also said that in his dream seeing the sky suggests a journey, absence or rain

[Khalil Shahin]

Any fall from higher altitudes is negative.

[ibn Qayum]

If you see honey, butter, flour, bread or other things that are for everyone’s benefit, it indicates good living conditions, facilitated conditions, profits, benefits, future trade that benefits. It also suggests fairness on the part of those in power. All this has a positive meaning as long as what falls from the sky does not harm or destroy people.

If, on the other hand, you see that it rains bedbugs, fleas, snakes, scorpions, stones, fire, blood or the like, it indicates great trials[fitnah], diseases, distress, hard times, injustice from the personality that heaven symbolizes. It may also indicate that an enemy is on the move to the place these things rained over.

Seeing birds, bees or other beneficial and useful animals flying into the sky may indicate that people from that place will die, the number that will die depends on how many birds or bees disappeared into the sky. It could also symbolize a move from the respective location.

If you see vermin disappearing into the sky such as snakes and scorpions and the like, it symbolizes the demise of evil and criminal people and that people will be in joy to be spared from their evil.

Seeing the sky rip and crack or turn suggests that bid’a [innovationer i religionen] and fear will increase.

Seeing the sky fall may indicate that big personalities, children or loved ones will leave, it may also indicate that living conditions will change.

It may also indicate abundant rainfall.

To see the sky fall over a place and destroy its buildings, greenery or other utilities or that it results in restricting the movement of people, it symbolizes for its inhabitants; worry, sorrow, disease, famine or attack by an enemy.

[Shihab al-A’bir]