We are please to announce that we have resumed our services.
Jummah Khutabah will be conducted by the Professor Alim From States.
We request you all to join hands to fight the pandemic and support the needy.


If you see yourself missing the prayer or not finding a place to do it, it symbolizes that things will be difficult.

[ibn Qutaybah]

The obligatory prayers indicate getting close to Allah as well as honor, status, wealth and having one’s needs met or one’s debts paid.

If the prayer is completed, it is completed by the above-mentioned things that the prayer symbolizes.

Voluntary prayers indicate the same thing as obligatory ones as well as additions in good and that evil will be warded off from him in a way he did not expect.

[Shihab al-’Abir]

The prayer in the dream symbolizes dua/åkallan, the length of the prayer symbolizes how much one will strive in making dua.

Whoever sees himself praying the Fadjr prayer and completing it will receive something he was promised whether it is positive or negative.

Seeing oneself praying the Dhuhr prayer symbolizes overcoming one’s enemy.

Seeing oneself praying the ‘Asher prayer symbolizes relief after difficulty.

Seeing yourself as Maghreb – or Isha – symbolizes that in the near future you will get something that you have worked for.

If you are seen to be praying an obligatory prayer and you complete it, you will achieve a goal you are striving for, or if the person is in debt, he will get rid of the debt.

If you only pray half the prayer, you will only get rid of half of your debt.

If you see yourself praying a voluntary prayer, you will reach a high place with Allah

Whoever is seen praying in an intoxicated state will do something Allah forbids and bear false witness.

Seeing yourself performing theIstisqa prayer(the prayer asking for rain) suggests that you are trying to have children.

To be seen praying without wudhu suggests that one is trying to approach the leader.

Seeing oneself be Dhuhr shortened to two straight’ suggests that one will travel.

Whoever sees himself praying in a mihrab and at the same time hears someone calling him will be given the joyful news that he will have a son.

Eid prayers symbolize joy and happiness.

The Kusuf prayer (at eclipse) suggests trouble from a woman or that a scholar will pass away or dry up. If you see the eclipse fading, it indicates that the adversity symbolized by the dream is fading and being replaced by joy.

If you see yourself leading people in prayer sitting while the people you are leading are standing, it symbolizes a weakening of power for the person in a leading role.

If the person who sees this is an imam, it suggests that he will be weakened in maintaining the affairs of the mosque.

If you see yourself looking in a certain direction, it suggests that you will want to travel in that direction or visit a friend who is in the same direction.

If a pious/religious person sees himself praying towards a direction other than Qiblah, he will perform Hajj (the pilgrimage to Mecca).

If it is a fasiq/sinner who looks in a direction other than Mecca, it indicates delusion.

Anyone who sees himself praying in the same direction as Christians or Jews will fall into bida’ similar to theirs.

It is said that whoever prays in a direction other than the Qiblah will commit a great sin or swear false oaths.

Missing a prayer or fasting and not finding water suggests that one’s affairs will be made more difficult. If he sees himself performing tayamum, his worries are about to be eased.

If you are seen to encourage others to pray while praying a lot yourself, it suggests that you will receive abundant sustenance.

[abu Taher]

If you find yourself leading an unknown people in an unknown place without knowing what you are reading, it may indicate that death is near and that you should fear Allah.

If you see yourself praying directly towards the Qibla, it indicates that you will abide by Islam and the Sunnah.

Al-Karmani said “Seeing oneself leading others in prayer indicates honor, status and achieving one’s goals”.

Being in the market (business) does not have a positive meaning.

To see oneself praying Dhuhr suggests getting good and achieving all that one seeks.

Seeing oneself praying Jummah indicates that one will get everything one strives for and desires and one will receive Allah’s favor in both this and the next life.

Seeing oneself asking ‘Aser also suggests achieving goals but with difficulty.

Looking to the Maghreb suggests that one will quickly achieve what one wants but then quickly lose it. It may also indicate that one is handing over the bridal gift to his wife.

Seeing yourself praying Isha suggests that you are doing something with your relatives that makes you happy.

Seeing oneself praying Fadjr suggests that one will earn a halal income.

Any interpretation regarding these prayers is subject to their completion and proper execution.

If you find yourself making up for one of these missed prayers, it suggests that you will repay a debt.

If you see yourself shortening a prayer it indicates a journey, if it is a woman who sees it it indicates that she will have her period.

It is also said that not seeing oneself complete one’s prayer indicates that one will not complete one’s goals.

Seeing oneself praying without wudhu suggests that one will fall ill.

If you are seen praying in a place where prayer is not allowed, it indicates that there is something wrong with your faith. It is said that missing the prayer behind an imam has the same meaning, except if you catch the end and complete it.

Being seen praying in the desert suggests either a journey or Hajj.

Ismail al-Ash’ath said “Seeing oneself making sudjud to Allah indicates gratitude to Allah and long life”.

Seeing oneself sitting and reading at-tahiyatu suggests getting more of the good.

Just seeing oneself giving salam to the left has no positive meaning.

Seeing yourself sitting or lying down indicates weakness in the body or old age.

If you see yourself asking Allah in prayer, it indicates that you will have a child.

If you are seen praying voluntary night prayer, you will receive a great gift or it will unite people whose hearts are at odds or free them from worries and sorrows.

If you are seen praying throughout the night, it indicates that Allah is giving you maximum good in this life and the life to come.

To be seen praying on the roof of the K’aba suggests falling into sin.

To be seen praying in one of the three holy mosques indicates that one’s reward will be multiplied and one’s deeds accepted.

To be seen praying in a mosque or in a place of learning indicates an increase in good.

It is also said that praying in places of prayer indicates piety and rahmah.

Seeing oneself praying on a mount indicates distress.

To see oneself laughing in prayer indicates that one is a person who indulges in pleasures too much and that person must turn to Allah in repentance.

Seeing oneself praying in the greater impure state indicates that something is wrong with one’s faith and flaws in one’s state.

Ja’far a-Sadiq said “prayer indicates seven things; security, happiness, honor, position, relief from hardship, achieving one’s goal and getting one’s wish.

Sudjud indicates five things; achieving one’s goals, conquering land, victory and triumph, and upholding Allah’s will.”

Abu Sai’d al Wa’idh said “Prayer, in general, always has a positive meaning both for this life and the life to come.

The prayer suggests attaining power and position, achieving one’s goals, getting rid of debts, returning an amanah (something given in trust) or performing one’s duties to Allah.”

[Khalil Shahin]