We are please to announce that we have resumed our services.
Jummah Khutabah will be conducted by the Professor Alim From States.
We request you all to join hands to fight the pandemic and support the needy.


To see oneself performing Hajj or visiting holy places in a dream indicates the same thing that prayer indicates. It also suggests that one will be elevated in levels, security from what one fears, marriage, getting rid of debts, serving great personalities and getting close to them, and having one’s goals fulfilled.

If one fulfills his Hajj, these things are fulfilled, otherwise not.

[Shihab al- A’bir]

Hajj can indicate several things, if you are traveling during the hajj season and see yourself having done hajj in a dream, it suggests that you will return home unharmed.

For the debtor, seeing himself performing Hajj can be an indication of getting rid of his debt.

If a businessman sees it, it suggests profit.

If a person who has been removed from a position of power looks to Hajj, it suggests that he will regain his position.

If the person is sick, he will get well.

If he is lost, he will be guided.

Being seen to perform Hajj out of season suggests adversity in the examples we mentioned.

Seeing oneself doing talbia [den dhikr som sägs under Hadj] during the Hajj season indicates that one will defeat an opponent, doing it in Mecca will overcome an enemy.

The stones thrown in the Hajj symbolize repaying a debt, the sum being measured by the number of stones thrown.

It can also symbolize defeating an enemy or good deeds.

Eating from the poles on which stones are thrown symbolizes unjustly consuming and eating the property of orphans.

It is also said that performing Hajj in a dream indicates returning al amanah [vad man anförtrotts i förtroende] and that one will be good in his faith.

Seeing oneself performing Umrah indicates a long life.

Living in Mecca’s suburbs suggests that one will reach a state of frailty in old age.

If you find yourself wanting to go on Hajj alone and you say goodbye to people and they all walk away from you, you will die.

If you see yourself making Hajj outside the Hajj season, it may indicate that in the near future you will be traveling to a distant place and that the journey will be safe and secure.

If you see yourself caring for K’aba or other mosques, or encouraging others to do so, it suggests that you will be good to your parents.

If you are seen sitting near K’aba, it suggests that you are getting close to a leader and gaining some worldly gain from him.

The destruction of the K’aba symbolizes the death of the scholars or imams [den stora ledarens].

If you see yourself going into K’aba, you will gain safety from what you fear.

For Allah says: “And he who enters therein is safe.” [3–97]

Seeing oneself going on Hajj and performing its rites indicates that one will increase in one’s faith and piety.

If you are seen leaving Mecca while others are entering the city, you will die.

The hajj in the dream may also indicate that one will perform it in a waking state.

A sick person who sees himself dressed in ihram clothes in a dream will die, for they resemble the cloth with which the deceased is wrapped.

If you are seen putting on ihram with your wife, it indicates that you are going to divorce and that your spouse will be haram to you.

If a person sees himself tearing down Mecca, it indicates that he will leave prayer and disobey his mother.

[Abu Taher]