We are please to announce that we have resumed our services.
Jummah Khutabah will be conducted by the Professor Alim From States.
We request you all to join hands to fight the pandemic and support the needy.


Seeing oneself performing various forms of worship in a correct way suggests that one will achieve good in both this and future lives. However, to see oneself performing various forms of worship in an improper manner that has no basis in Islam suggests the opposite.

Seeing a flaw in one’s worship symbolizes a failure to look out for one’s own good. To see someone performing worship in a place where they are not allowed to perform it is hypocritical. Seeing oneself performing I’tikaf suggests that one refrains from worldly things. Seeing oneself doing tasbeh [säga subhanallah] is an indication that Allah will take away one’s worries and problems.

It is said that worship can be interpreted as five different things; approaching Allah, walking the path of righteousness, advising people in power, glad tidings/news and overcoming one’s enemies.

Abu Sai’d al-Wa’idh said: “If you see yourself doing istighfar, Allah will grant you money and children, for Allah said:

‘Ask your Lord for forgiveness for your sins! He forgives and forgives again;

He will send you abundant rain from heaven and increase your wealth and your sons’ [antal] and give you gardens watered by streams. [71:10–12]

If one is seen doing istighfar after prayer facing the qiblah, it indicates that his dua will be answered, if he is facing away from the qiblah, he will fall into a sin for which he then makes tawbah.

To see in a dream someone refusing to ask for forgiveness indicates hypocrisy, for Allah says: “When they are [hycklarna] told, “Come [och låt] to the Messenger of Allah and ask Him to forgive you!” they turn their heads away and you see them withdraw, full of pride. [63:5]

[Khalil Shahin]