We are please to announce that we have resumed our services.
Jummah Khutabah will be conducted by the Professor Alim From States.
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Alcohol in the dream is easy haram money you get without hassle.

Getting drunk symbolizes power and money, getting drunk without drinking indicates great terror/fear based on Allah’s statement:

“And men shall be seen [ragla som] drunk, though they are not drunk; nay, [det är rädslan för] the severe punishment of Allah [som driver dem från vettet].” [22:2]

[ibn Qutaybah]

Whoever sees himself drinking alcohol in the dream will commit many sins and receive a lot of money.

All bad drinks have a negative connotation, the worst of them all being intoxicating drinks that symbolize sadness and worry.

Whoever receives a flood of alcohol will suffer fitnah/trials in his dunya/worldly affairs.

If he enters it, it also indicates that he will suffer fitnah, the severity of which can be measured by how much he drinks or how much he spends in the river.

Anyone who is seen drinking alcohol mixed with water will receive mixed money, from halal and haram or it suggests that he will wrongly take money from a woman and then fall into a fitnah.


Seeing yourself drinking alcohol with others and the glass/bottle circulating among those present symbolizes that you will experience a fitnah or that you will fall out with one of those you are drinking with, for Allah says:

Shaytan wants nothing but to create enmity and hatred between you through intoxicating drinks and gambling, and to prevent you from remembering Allah and from [att förrätta] your prayer. Will you then stop [följaktligen]? [5 .91]

Being drunk can also symbolize a crush/blind love.

It can also symbolize an illness where you lose your mind.

Or being robbed of property.

A woman’s appearance of intoxication may indicate a pregnancy that is stressing her and keeping her busy.

Squeezing wine symbolizes being released from prison or serving a leader.

If a sick person is seen drinking alcohol, he will die.

It is said that seeing oneself drinking alcohol in the dream indicates loss of money and property, because alcohol consumption always leads to some kind of loss.

Seeing a deceased person enjoying drinking wine indicates that he has been blessed with reward, as Allah has mentioned that the people of Paradise will drink wine.

[Abu Tayib]