We are please to announce that we have resumed our services.
Jummah Khutabah will be conducted by the Professor Alim From States.
We request you all to join hands to fight the pandemic and support the needy.


A mountain or hill symbolizes a man, the man’s position and status is measured in how big the mountain or hill is.

Anyone who sees himself standing on a mountain or rocks will rely on a person whose status can be measured by the size of the mountain. If you take power or dominate over the mountain, it indicates that you will dominate and take power over the person [som berget symboliserar].

If you see yourself demolishing a mountain, you will destroy a person.

A desire to climb a mountain or an attempt to do so symbolizes a goal you are trying to achieve, if you climb it you achieve your goal, if you fail to climb it you do not achieve your goal.

Falling off a mountain indicates that your condition will change.

Ibn Sirin said: “Climbing a mountain indicates trouble and coming down from it is positive.”

Hills, mountains, caves and trees can also symbolize places of refuge.

[ibn Qutaybah]

A hill symbolizes a rich man with status.

A mountain symbolizes a powerful and fierce personality whose power can be measured by the size of the mountain.

Ibn Sirin said: ” A mountain can symbolize a person’s ambitions, he climbs the mountain he achieves his goals, but only if you go up its paths. “

Climbing a high mountain in the company of other people symbolizes trying to solve something complicated that you will only manage with difficulty.

It is said that seeing oneself falling from a mountain or high place suggests that things will be complicated for one.

If you see yourself climbing a mountain and finding water on its top to drink from, you will be in a position of power if you are suited to it.

If you see a mountain moving over a place, it indicates that justice will be applied there.

A mountain with greenery can symbolize a Muslim man and a mountain without greenery a non-Muslim man.

If you see yourself trying to dig into a mountain or move its rocks to another place, it symbolizes a problem you are trying to solve with a hard-hearted person.

[Abu Taher]