We are please to announce that we have resumed our services.
Jummah Khutabah will be conducted by the Professor Alim From States.
We request you all to join hands to fight the pandemic and support the needy.


Dates are appealing halal money. The date palm is a man of high status.

Whoever sees themselves splitting a date and taking out the seeds will have a child.

Seeing dates in its season symbolizes engaging with the Qur’an and knowledge and outside its season it is knowledge not acted upon.

The date kernel can symbolize a journey.

[Abu Taher]


Said ibn Musayb said that dates in dreams are always interpreted as money.


[Tabaqat al kubra]


Dates are excellent money/property or knowledge or heritage.

It is said that if you get dates or eat them, you will receive money from a great personality.

If you are seen eating the dates with the pit, it symbolizes that you are mixing halal with haram. The same applies to all fruits eaten with their kernel.

For a man whose wife is pregnant, receiving a single date may indicate that he will have a son.


Getting date kernels may indicate that you are planning a trip.


[Khalil Shahin]